Summer Village of White Sands
By Election – Notice of Nomination Day
For anyone interested in running for Council of Whites Sands, Nomination Packages are available here or at the Village Office – #10, 19447 Hwy 12, County of Stettler, AB.
Anyone wishing to run for Councilor who will not be here to file papers on Nomination Day, September 14, 2024, should contact the Returning Officer for alternate arrangements. Please note:Unofficial results will be posted on the website after the election. As per the legislative requirements from the Elections Act, the returning officer will post official results at 12 noon on the 4th day after the election date of October 12, 2024. Results will be posted on the website, Facebook, and bulletin boards within the community.
What happens is there is not enough nominations to fill the vacant positions?The legislative process from the Local Authorities Election Act, if the Returning Officer does not receive enough nominations to fill the vacancies by noon on September 14th, then nomination acceptance will continue at the Municipal office on the Sunday, September 15th at the same time and unofficial announcements will be available on the municipal website and municipal Facebook page.
Food for thought: